Concentration and
A student with attention, concentration,
or memory, difficulties may experience problems in one or
more of the following areas: following a lecture, timed reading,
spelling, and short term memorizing. The student may also
appear to day dream or fall asleep in class. The disability
is often not visible. (Lissner, 1992).
Commonly Associated Disabilities of Attention, Concentration,
or Memory Difficulties:
Attention Deficit Disorder.
Learning Disabilities.
Clinical Depression.
Seizure Disorders.
Head trauma.
Increasing our information processing capacity
and efficiency is more important today than ever before. The
rate at which we need to process information in today's high-speed,
information-packed, competitive environment can be overwhelming.
Children are faced with challenges previous generations would
have never imagined. Many adults feel that they are losing
the ability to remember facts, figures, phone numbers, important
dates and names--or simply where they left their car keys.
Making matters worse, many children and adults must work unusually
hard to do normal tasks, due to processing inefficiencies.
In addition, the natural aging process--now impacting an increasingly
older baby boomer population --erodes memory, even in the
sharpest of minds.
Our clients make use of this at-home Brain
Builder Program in addition to our other modalities
to improve concentration and memory. Brain Builder can be
purchased through a Brain Breakthrough practitioner.
Brain Builder is simple,
easy-to-use software which can bring lasting changes in auditory
and visual sequential processing skills and short term memory.
Better sequential processing enables us to take in more of
what there is to see and hear. If sequential processing is
limited, it’s a little like not having enough RAM in
your computer. Some things work just fine. Others work, but
s-l-o-w-l-y, or more crudely. And certain things become impossible,
resulting in frustration. with Brain Builder, you play up
to 7 different 2-3 minute activities every day. By doing these
exercises, you increase the number of pieces of information
that you can take in sequentially, hold, process, and recall.
Improving your visual base digit span will
help you:
• improve general comprehension
• follow written directions and instructions better
• increase your attention and decrease distractibility
• visualize and solve problems faster and more efficiently
• understand your visual world better
• increase your math and reading ability
• expand your visual short-term working memory
• discover your hidden intelligence
Improving your auditory base digit span will
help you:
• improve general comprehension
• follow directions and instructions better
• increase your attention and decrease distractibility
• improve your communication skills
• increase your reading ability
• expand your auditory short-term working memory
• unleash your potential
By using Brain Builder regularly,
you will experience an increase in your auditory and visual
sequential processing capacities. This means you will increase
the number of pieces of information that you can sequentially
receive, hold, process, use and recall in short-term working
memory without straining or using mental "tricks."
As the pathways of your neural network proliferate and deepen,
so too will your ability to absorb and process information
more quickly and easily.
We encourage our clients to incorporate more
than one of our techniques and tools to enhance concentration
and memory and improve self esteem.