HeartMath Freeze Framer Program


The HeartMath Research Center has found a critical link between emotions and the heart, as well as the immune and hormonal systems. According to the Mayo Clinic, in the past decade cardiovascular fitness has become synonymous with good emotional and physical health. The HeartMath Research Center is engaged in several areas of investigation showing how and why our mental and emotional attitudes have such profound effects on the rhythms of the heart. This research is proving what many of us already know intuitively – that our mental and emotional attitudes are directly related to our health and happiness.

The Freeze Framer was developed based on scientific research conducted by Doc Childre and the Institute of HeartMath. IHM’s research explores the physiological mechanisms by which the heart communicates with the brain and how it influences our perceptions, emotions and health. When our biological systems synchronize with the heart’s rhythmic beating patterns, we enter a physiological state called entrainment.

Entrainment reflects a harmonious balance between the two branches of the autonomic nervous system. This internal state of heightened physiological efficiency enhances health and promotes optimal performance. Dramatic, positive mental and emotional shifts can also occur during entrainment. Often, perception of a difficult situation shifts to a more decided outlook, which reduces stress levels and restores the body to a state of balance and well-being.

With the Freeze Framer ™ Emotional Management Enhancer, the heart’s rhythmic pattern is observable on your computer screen. Using new technology, the Freeze Framer displays your physiological state by recording your all-important heart rhythms through a fingertip pulse sensor that simply plugs into the serial port on your computer.

A smoother, calmer more uniform pattern usually indicates a more balanced nervous system, and a jagged pattern generally indicates a less entrained system. While using HeartMath techniques called Freeze Frame and Heart Lock-In, the Freeze Framer records and analyzes heart rhythms with a mathematical algorithm that assigns an entrainment score. At the same time, your ability to maintain entrainment is plotted real-time, on-screen, using a defined area called “the Zone”. The data from each session is recorded for later review and analysis. Practicing with this sophisticated biofeedback technology on a daily basis can show quick remarkable improvements in reducing stress, transforming frustration, anger, depression and anxiety while increasing vitality, productivity, work/life balance and improving overall health.



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