The Brain and The Listening Program


Many of us, children and adults alike, are not utilizing our auditory system to its fullest potential. In fact, many people experience "listening disabilities" and do not realize it. These weaknesses or problems in processing sound can adversely affect us in many ways including: communication skills, learning abilities, attention and behavior, energy levels, coordination, relaxation, brain function, and sensory integration. Improving or enhancing our ability to process sound can produce specific benefits. People of all ages can be trained to process sound more effectively to overcome weaknesses or further develop listening-related abilities.

The Listening Program is specially treated classical music and nature sounds that can actually improve one’s ability to process a balanced, full range of sound frequencies. This has far-reaching benefits. Often, subtle improvements in auditory processing enable children and adults to improve their attention span and concentration. Perhaps this is why some children begin to move ahead much more easily in reading, spelling, and handwriting. Greater steadiness and focus also helps to build better motor control and speech, improved self-esteem and motivation. For some children and adults the neurological input provided by The Listening Program is the jump-start they need to make a major change and come alive in many dynamic ways.

Listening to the CDs in The Listening Program literally exercises and tones tiny muscles in the ear and helps build stronger multi-sensory pathways in the brain. The brain receives especially rich auditory stimulation, and its ability to process sound improves.


Attention problems, learning problems, auditory processing difficulties, difficulty retaining information, sound sensitivities, energy level and confidence,
speech & motor control, auditory perception & sensitivity, musical & vocal expression, self-esteem, mood & motivation, social interaction, understanding spoken language, reading, spelling & handwriting, physical balance and coordination.


The program entails 1 to 2 fifteen-minute listening sessions a day, five days per week. The average program length is eight weeks. Many people find it advantageous to repeat the program once or several times to keep their auditory system in peak condition. Listening is done through a pair of high-quality headphones and a CD Player.

Additional CDs called TLP Extensions are also available which allow for further individualization of Listening Programs.

This program is designed for use in the home, school, clinic and in business settings. It can be used as a stand-alone sound stimulation program or as an adjunct to other modalities.


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