Stress Reduction
Americans are stressed out. The American Institute
of stress estimates stress has a $300 billion price tag when
you take into account accidents, loss of productivity, and
medical, legal and insurance costs.
Aside from just the dollar value, stress
has a major impact on health. It has been associated with
fatigue, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, depression
and sleep disorders.
Stress alone does not cause all of these health problems,
but the problems arise from the way most of us respond to
Stress is what happens when fear or anxiety become a constant
state. The physiological effects include contracted muscles,
increased heart rate, constricted breathing. The adrenal system
is over taxed and blood pressure rises. Stress interferes
with the body's natural flow of energy. It cuts down our available
energy and forces us to function on adrenaline.
Just a few causes of stress: noise pollution,
poor lighting, poor nutrition, computer use and exposure,
overwhelm, intensity and pace of life, self expectations,
expectation of others, the “not good enough” syndrome.
We at Brain Breakthrough utilize sound therapy, color therapy
and the HeartMath Solution, among others, to assist our clients
in managing the stressful reactions to their fast paced lives.
Our energy level is determined by the functioning
of chemical systems and nerve impulses throughout the body.
Neural activity (the passage of information along our nerves)
resembles electricity in several ways. The potential for excitation
of the nerve synapses depends on the level of energy charge
in the brain. The brain acts like a battery which is constantly
being either charged or discharged. Dr Alfred Tomatis [Research
pioneer of Sound Therapy] contends that the most important
function of the ear is to charge the brain through the stimulation
of sound. Failure of the ear to provide sufficient re-charge
to the brain results in fatigue and inefficient mental processes.
Sound Therapy
Noise is one of the biggest contributors to stress and fatigue.
Dr Tomatis discovered that the ear is intended to hear mainly
high frequency sounds, because most of the sensory cells in
the inner ear are accumulated in the high frequency zone.
It is the high frequency sounds which replenish the brain's
energy and activate the cortex, improving our ability to think.
Unfortunately, most of the sounds we hear in our mechanized,
urbanized lifestyle are low frequency sounds. Traffic, factories,
household appliances, refrigerator fluorescent lights and
even computers put out a low frequency drone which drains
the brain of energy and causes stress.
How can Sound Therapy help?
Many, many people experience “listening
disabilities” and do not realize it.
These weaknesses or problems in processing
sound can adversely affect us in many ways including: communication
skills, learning abilities, attention and behavior, energy
levels, coordination, relaxation, brain function and sensory
integration. Improving or enhancing our ability to process
sound can produce specific benefits.
Often subtle improvements in auditory processing
enable children and adults to improve their attention span
and concentration. Some children begin to move ahead much
more easily in reading, spelling, and handwriting. Greater
steadiness and focus also build better motor control and speech
and, with that, improved self-esteem and motivation. For some
children and adults the neurological input provided by The
Listening Program is the jump-start they need to make a major
change and come alive in many dynamic ways.
Listening to the CD’s in The Listening Program literally
exercises and tones tiny muscles in the ear and helps build
stronger multi-sensory pathways in the brain. The brain receives
especially rich auditory stimulation, and its ability to process
sound improves.
The Listening Program was designed by a cross-disciplinary
team of experts to help balance and restore our ability to
listen to and process sounds across the full auditory spectrum,
from 20Hz to 20,000 Hz. This can result in striking improvements
across the human continuum, from academic performance to emotional
The Listening Program CD’s can help
compensate for the draining, stressful effect of low frequency
noise. The effect upon the person is one of harmonizing, vitalizing
and healing in almost every area of being. 80% to 90% of Sound
Therapy users notice a significant reduction in their stress
Your BrainBreakthrough practioner will work
with you in purchasing and using this at-home program.
Color Therapy
The effects of color on our moods, health,
and way of thinking have been studied by scientists for years.
Your preference for one color over another may be related
to the way that color makes you feel.
Colors are visible light energy of certain wavelengths. Photoreceptors
in the retina, called cones, translate this energy into colors.
The retina contains three kinds of cones: one for blue, one
for green, and one for red. We perceive other colors by combining
these colors.
How Color Therapy Can Help
When the energy of color enters our bodies,
it stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands. This in turn
affects the production of certain hormones, which in turn
affect a variety of physiological processes. This explains
why color has been found to have such a direct influence on
our thoughts, moods, and behavior-an influence that many experts
believe is distinctly separate from psychological and cultural
factors. Color seems to have an effect even on blind people,
who are thought to sense color as a result of energy vibrations
created within the body.
In 1942, the Russian scientists demonstrated
that red light stimulates the sympathetic nervous system [stress
response], while white and blue light stimulate the parasympathetic
nervous system [relaxation response]. Other experiments revealed
that certain colors stimulate hormone production, while other
colors inhibit it.
Specific colors can also have an effect
on specific diseases. Symptoms of acute eruptive diseases
such as smallpox and measles were relieved when patients were
put in a room with red windows. Melancholiacs also recovered
after a few hours in such rooms. Pain and depression was found
to respond well to therapy using flashing bright lights and
colored lights. These treatments have been shown to alter
neurochemical production in the brain and this may account
for their positive effects. Scientists now believe that the
brain has specific responses to different frequencies of flashing
light and the different frequencies of various colors. They
point out that sleep problems can often be cured in one day
by this method. Mood alteration takes a little longer - about
one to two weeks of treatments.
Photostimulation with flashing opaque white
or violet lights was found to induce relaxation, reducing
stress and chronic pain. Use of photostimulation, or brain
wave synchronization, to assist relaxation and the induction
of hypnosis had been around since 1948. It has been used with
the EEG (electroencephalogram) as an adjunct to the diagnosis
of epilepsy.
Full Spectrum Light as a Remedy for
Stress and
Computer Toxicity
Much has been said and written about the
healing benefits of light therapy and the toxic effects of
computer energy (i.e. positive ions). Some may say that the
technology intrinsic to computers is too toxic to use as a
healing modality. This is not so. The following is a list
of simple things computer users can do to minimize the toxic
effect of positive ions and artificial fire energy (as it
is referred to in Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine, i.e. radiation)
inherent in computers. (These suggestions may also be applied
to television as well). Always make sure there is plenty of
natural light in the room to dilute the light energy from
the computer screen. Natural lighting is always the best.
If this is not possible, or if the computer is being used
at night, the use of full spectrum light bulbs is a good second
Light is often described as the medicine
of the future. It is an important therapeutic medium that
profoundly affects all aspects of our life.
HeartMath Freeze-Framer Technique
HeartMath as a Stress Remedy
The Freeze-Framer™ HeartMath program
is a simple, easy to use software program that displays your
heart rhythms and shows you how stress may be affecting you.
Quickly and easily install the software, plug in the sensor
and start to have fun with this new and unique interactive
ability to see and control your heart rhythms. Let the Freeze-Framer
help you break through stress that's preventing you from feeling
good, being in control and achieving your goals.
At the time of a reaction to stress, the
brain sends a negative signal to the heart, which then becomes
"out of coherence," and the rest of the body, including
the nervous system, reacts by getting out of sync. This is
when damage occurs.
In a healthy person, the heart rate changes
with every beat, Rollin McCraty, of the HeartMath Institute
in Boulder Creek, Calif., said. A lack of variability, he
said, is a predictor of future heart problems. “This
is exactly the opposite of what they used to think was healthy.
Only 20 years ago it was considered that a nice steady heart
rhythm was a sign of good health," he said.
The heart is considered to be in coherence
when there is a healthy change in heart rate. Lack of stressful
reactions allows the heart and nervous system to be in coherence,
which leads to mental clarity, creativity and better problem-solving
How HeartMath Can Help
McCraty and colleagues at HeartMath have
created a software program called Freeze-Framer, which helps
a person achieve coherence. It is based on the idea that when
you experience positive emotions such as joy, appreciation,
care, and kindness, the heart responds in a positive way.
Freeze-Framer allows patients to see on screen whether or
not they are in coherence and guides them through exercises
that help achieve coherence. HeartMath is internationally
recognized as one of the most effective and fastest growing
organizational transformation systems in the world today.
This at-home program can be purchased from your BrainBreakthrough