Eyesight is only one small part of vision.
Too often, evaluation of vision is based solely on clarity
of sight at a 20 foot distance. This is the accepted measurement
of a person’s vision of which eyesight is only one
small part. Vision comprises a multifaceted and complex
system of functions. The visual system covers a wide scope
of necessary skills including eye-teaming, focusing, eye
movements, visual perception, visual information processing
and integration of vision with our other senses. For example,
motor skills and visual skills combine for good coordination;
visual and auditory skills combined are used for reading.
Dysfunctional visual processing systems
and faulty sensory integration may be the underlying cause
of the symptomatic behavior seen in children diagnosed with
ADD, ADHD, CAPD, PDD, or ODD. It can also influence the
diagnosis of autism, allergies, and chemical imbalances.
Vision is affected by changes in the Central and Autonomic
Nervous Systems. Brain Breakthrough offers tools and techniques
to help balance the autonomic nervous system via the visual
system utilizing specific wavelengths of light to enhance
visual perception and remedy light perception deficits that
impact the emotions, concentration and learning, motor coordination
and performance.
All of the senses intertwine to make sense
of our world. The visual system has become our major means
of relating to space, where the vestibular, proprioceptive
and tactile systems contribute to visual development and
function. Together these systems allow us to move about
in space, catch a ball, and process the visual body language
of others. “In order to process more abstract information
such as reading, writing, spelling or calculation, such
visual abilities as visual-motor, visual perceptual, visual
spatial, visual memory, visual figure-ground and visual
closure capacities must be in place. These capacities only
work well when the tactile, vestibular and proprioceptive
systems are intact.” [www.mindeyeconnection.com,
Deborah Zelinsky, OD, FCOVD]
Vision and Learning Disabilities
Eighty percent of everything a child learns
is acquired through his or her visual system. According
to the American Optometric Association, about sixteen percent
of all children suffer from inadequate visual skills and
up to ninety-four percent of children with reading problems
have reduced visual skills.
If your child exhibits any of the following
behaviors, he or she may be suffering from a problem with
convergence and/or adequate visual function and/or visual
perception. These visual problems can contribute to learning
disabilities or, in some cases, can be mistaken or misdiagnosed
as learning disabilities.
Your child . . .
Seems bright, but struggles
with reading.
Fatigues quickly when reading,
with frequent signs of frustration.
Is unable to sit still;
cannot stay on task for any length of time.
Reverses words, numbers
or letters.
Has difficulty remembering
spelling words.
Is disorganized and frustrated
when studying visual information.
Frequently loses his place,
skips words or whole lines of text.
Has poor reading comprehension.
Has difficulty copying from
the board or a book, has sloppy handwriting.
Medication or tutoring has
not been successful in improving school performance.
Has been labeled LD (learning
disabilities), ADD, ADHD, or dyslexic.
"94-97% of children
with dyslexia and specific learning difficulties display
a difficulty in coordinated movement of the eyes indicating
a cerebellar/vestibular dysfunction. This leads to reading
problems as the eyes will tend to jump rather than track
across a page of writing smoothly." There must be a
cross germination and integration of the senses in order
for there to be a complete understanding of the material
presented visually.
Dyslexia Involves Both Vision and Hearing,
According to Researchers from Wake Forest
University Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, N.C. at
the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting in New Orleans,
dyslexia may stem from how the brain processes sight and
sound together - rather than simply a problem "decoding"
the written word. "For the first time, there is evidence
that dyslexia is a multi-sensory disorder," says Mark
Wallace, Ph.D., associate professor of neurobiology and
anatomy. "It isn't solely a problem with visual processing
or with language. This is a novel way of looking at the
disorder.”Until now, experts have thought that dyslexia
was either a visual processing problem or a problem involving
language areas of the brain," said Wallace. "But
our study suggests that it's actually a problem combining
visual information with auditory information."
According to a joint organizational policy
statement of the American Academy of Optometry and the American
Optometric Association, the eyes, visual pathways and brain
comprise the visual system. Therefore, to understand the
complexities of visual function, one must look at the total
visual system. Recent research has demonstrated that some
people with reading disabilities have deficits in the transmission
of information to the brain through a defective visual pathway.
[McConkie GW, Rayner K. The span of the effective stimulus
during a fixation in reading. Percept Psychophys 1975; 17:578-86;
Lehmkuhle S, Garzia RP, Turner L, et al. A defective visual
pathway in children with reading disability. N Eng J Med
1993; 328:989-96.] This creates confusion and disrupts the
normal visual timing functions in reading. Visual defects,
such as a restriction in the visual field, can have a substantial
impact on reading performance. [A defective visual pathway
in children with reading disability. N Eng J Med 1993; 328:989-96.].
Brainbreakthrough addresses this need by measuring the visual
field of awareness and working with color frequencies to
expand the field and stimulate the visual system to improve
academic performance.
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