Depression & Anxiety
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Concentration and Memory
Reading and Writing Skills
Enhanced Sports Performance
Stress Reduction
CLEAR Therapy (Colored Light, Entertainment and Repatterning)
LST (Light Stimulation Therapy)
Color Therapy Eyewear
Brainwave Enterainment Devices-The DAVID Device
The Brain and the Listening Program
The Green Wave Therapy
Based on impressive new discoveries involving the body's energies, EFT has been reported to be 80% clinically effective in relieving the following problems: Trauma, Abuse, Stress, Anxiety, Fears, Phobias, Depression, Grief, Addictive Cravings, and hundreds of physical symptoms including headaches, body pains and breathing difficulties. It is a missing piece to the healing puzzle, based on the knowledge of the healing effects of acupuncture and acupressure.
The premise of EFT is that memories and thoughts about unresolved distressing experiences are trapped in the body’s energy system. These negative feedback loops create electrical imbalances that can bring about emotional/physical illness. EFT releases the thoughts, memories and their dysfunctional patterns, restoring the natural balance and flow of energy to the system.
The EFT procedure involves a combination of tapping with the fingers on emotion-specific energy meridians in the body that are associated with acupuncture. These acupuncture sites have been found to be associated with particular emotions. While doing the tapping sequence, distressful thoughts and/or events are targeted and specific statements are repeated. The energy of the EFT procedure dislodges the trapped thoughts/feelings and allows the natural balance and flow of energy to resume, bringing immediate relief. It is not necessary that you fully understand or believe in the theoretical foundation of EFT. The techniques will work whether you believe in them or not. EFT often works where nothing else will. It is usually rapid, long lasting and gentle. No drugs or equipment are involved. It is easily learned by almost anyone in less than an hour, and can be self applied.
Although its mechanisms are still not fully understood, EMDR [Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing] has demonstrated phenomenal ability to resolve emotional issues. Shell-shocked battle veterans, victims of rape and abuse, and survivors of natural and man-made disasters have experienced quick and permanent relief with EMDR, often in cases where numerous other therapies, including hypnosis, have failed. EMDR is well researched and its clinical success has been demonstrated worldwide [See]. The Chicago Tribune reported that survivors of the attack on the World Trade Center agreed that EMDR was the most effective therapy in resolving their trauma.Francine Shapiro, Ph.D., originator of the process, explains the effects as the breaking of a “neurological loop”, installed at the time of the traumatizing event. EMDR appears to activate a natural mechanism for dissipation of the dysfunctional loop enabling clients to integrate difficult life experiences and get past them. After EMDR, thinking about the events no longer triggers the trauma survivor into states of anxiety, depression or terror.
With EMDR, clients are asked to focus on the disturbing experience/images, physical sensations and/or thoughts. As the therapist hand moves from side to side in front of the client’s face, the client follows the hand movement with their eyes. These lateral movements seem to disperse the unresolved emotional charge associated with the distressing events, circumstances, or perceptions. EMDR procedures sometimes incorporate other methods of side-to-side lateralization [tones in alternating ears, tapping on alternate sides of the body] to activate hemispheric interactions. The second phase of the EMDR procedure seeks to instill a positive thought process in place of the negative one that was associated with the distress. For example, the person who has lived through an earthquake might go from thinking, “I am vulnerable”, to recognizing that the danger is past and that, “I am secure and comfortable”.
The HeartMath Research Center has found a critical link between emotions and the heart, as well as the immune and hormonal systems. According to the Mayo Clinic, in the past decade cardiovascular fitness has become synonymous with good emotional and physical health. The HeartMath Research Center is engaged in several areas of investigation showing how and why our mental and emotional attitudes have such profound effects on the rhythms of the heart. This research is proving what many of us already know intuitively – that our mental and emotional attitudes are directly related to our health and happiness.
The emWave ™ was developed based on scientific research conducted by Doc Childre and the Institute of HeartMath. IHM’s research explores the physiological mechanisms by which the heart communicates with the brain and how it influences our perceptions, emotions and health. When our biological systems synchronize with the heart’s rhythmic beating patterns, we enter a physiological state called entrainment.
Entrainment reflects a harmonious balance between the two branches of the autonomic nervous system. This internal state of heightened physiological efficiency enhances health and promotes optimal performance. Dramatic, positive mental and emotional shifts can also occur during entrainment. Often, perception of a difficult situation shifts to a more decided outlook, which reduces stress levels and restores the body to a state of balance and well-being.
With the emWave ™ Emotional Management Enhancer, the heart’s rhythmic pattern is observable on your computer screen. Using new technology, the emWave™ displays your physiological state by recording your all-important heart rhythms through an ear sensor that simply plugs into the usb port on your computer.
A smoother, calmer more uniform pattern usually indicates a more balanced nervous system, and a jagged pattern generally indicates a less entrained system. The HeartMath technique records and analyzes heart rhythms with a mathematical algorithm that assigns an entrainment score. At the same time, your ability to maintain entrainment is plotted real-time, on-screen, using a defined area called “the Zone”. The data from each session is recorded for later review and analysis. Practicing with this sophisticated biofeedback technology on a daily basis can show quick remarkable improvements in reducing stress, transforming frustration, anger, depression and anxiety while increasing vitality, productivity, work/life balance and improving overall health.
Clear Therapy is a method of releasing unresolved core emotional issues using colored light.
Flashing Light and Brainwave Entrainment
In the 1930’s Dr. W.G. Walter found that when flashing light is emitted into the eyes, the brain adopts the rhythm of the strobe (see Brain and Brainwave Entrainment). It was later determined that when the flash rate was adjusted to particular speeds, the brain’s adaptation to that speed causes an individual to enter a beta, alpha, theta or delta brain wave state. It is in the deep unconscious states that we as children first receive information. Both healthy and unhealthy beliefs are formulated and held in these brain wave states. It is the unhealthy beliefs that give rise to panic, anxiety, addictions, sleep problems, and low self esteem, to mention only a few of the life difficulties that hinder our functioning and overall wellbeing, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
About the Technique
In conventional therapy, the goal of the therapy process is to become conscious of the underlying causes of behaviors and beliefs. This exploration occurs in a beta (fully conscious) waking state. Beliefs and emotions are often not restructured and resolved because the client’s brainwave frequency must match the frequency in which the trauma originated in order for the dysfunctional thoughts or memories to be released.
How the Technique is Administered
In the initial intake session, the client looks at 11 different colors of flashing light and the therapist is able to pinpoint unresolved emotional issues based on distortions the client sees in each color. In the following sessions, the feedback from the client’s perception of the colors enables the therapist and client to uncover core beliefs that drive the client’s dysfunctional thinking, feelings or behavior. These beliefs are then intentionally changed by the client with the aid of the light and the therapist. CLEAR is coordinated with eye movement (see EMDR), breath work and meridian-based therapies ( see EFT) to facilitate rapid resolution of the client’s problem.
Who Can Benefit from CLEAR Therapy?
Adults and children with phobias, fears, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression or low self-esteem; those in need of stress relief and stress management techniques;people who have not achieved their desired results in other therapies; people who are enjoying a relatively full and happy life who would like to expand their consciousnessWhat is LST?
LST enhances learning abilities and sports performance by stimulating the eye and brain with light. It has the objective of improving health and human performance by optimizing brain function. Since most sensory input to the brain is in the form of visual light perception, light has the greatest influence on brain function and is the focus of this non-invasive technique. The Downing Technique was developed by John Downing, O.D., Ph.D. during 25 years of research and clinical observation in the study of neurosensory stimulation. LST is an adaptation of Downing’s technique, which involves the use of rhythmic colored light into the eyes for a period of 20 minutes over 20 consecutive sessions. The flashing light at various rates of speed functions as a catalyst for mind-body healing. It has had enormously successful results in the following areas: concentration, memory, reading, test anxiety, creativity, stress reduction, self-esteem, hyperactivity (ADD), chronic fatigue and chronic pain syndromes.
How Light Affects the Brain
Over the past 60 years, neuroscience has established our dependence upon light perception for much more than just seeing the world around us. Acting as photocells for the brain, the eyes convert light energy into electrical energy. Light- generated electrical stimulation travels throughout the brain, promoting better brain and body function.Light Stimulation Deficit
Clinical evidence suggests that such factors as heredity, stress, head injuries, emotional trauma and poor lighting can decrease the ability of the eye to transform light energy into electrical energy, creating a deficit. Most people have some degree of these deficits. This means that a great many individuals are not functioning optimally in the areas of vision, health and human performance.
LST begins with the measurement of the visual field to ascertain whether light is being processed effectively and efficiently in the brain. A series of comprehensive questionnaires help to determine certain areas of the brain that may be affected as well. This information is used to specify the necessary colors of light to be utilized by each individual to restore balance. Eleven different wave bands of color have been found to be effective stimuli for this purpose. By increasing the efficiency of light processing in the brain, LST can improve stimulation of brain activity, reactivate neural pathways, improve intellectual, mental, emotional, and physical well being and quality of performance.
How LST is Administered
LST is administered by having an individual sit comfortably in a darkened room looking at the proper waveband of colored light which is focused directly on the eyes. Sessions last 20 minutes. Assessment results determine the number of series required [20 sessions per series.] Clients are required to have 3 to 5 sessions per week until the total of 20 sessions is completed. At the end of each 20-session series, there is a reevaluation to determine the necessity of further treatment and/or to adjust the color protocol.
Who Can Benefit from LST?
Children ages 5-7 to enhance early learning development skills; children ages 8-12 for behavior modification, learning and sports enhancement; teens in the areas of sports performance, educational achievement; SAD adults and children with learning difficulties including ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, poor concentration and memory; adults and children who suffer from self esteem issues, mood and behavior disorders, anxiety, stress, depression and light sensitivity.
Contraindications for LST
Clients with severe mental or emotional disturbances such as schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders are not appropriate candidates for this therapy, nor are those suffering from “photo-convulsive” epilepsy. Those suffering from eye diseases should obtain permission from their optometrist or ophthalmologist before experiencing LST. Those with portal hypertension or high blood pressure need permission from their physician.
Color therapy can be done with non-prescription sunglasses designed for convenience and affordability. The use of colored glasses as a therapeutic modality is based upon the principle that each color always vibrates at a specific individual frequency. Science has shown that each of the body's organs also pulsates at its own frequency. However, stress, illness and fatigue can have a negative impact on these frequencies. In a manner similar to vitamin and mineral supplementation, we can receive health benefits from the balancing and restorative effects of color wavebands. The color that produces the greatest positive response determines the appropriate glasses for the client. The Color Therapy Glasses are worn daily for 30 to 60 minutes, but the actual length of time depends on the client response. Each color gives a different feeling or effect. The glasses come in 9 individual rainbow colors [magenta, red, orange, yellow, green, aqua, blue, indigo and violet]. The color therapy eyewear is often used in conjunction with CLEAR Therapy [see above] for continued therapeutic effect between sessions. The colored glasses can evoke feelings of calm, energy, alertness, clarity, and relaxation.
What is Brainwave Entrainment?
Each of our senses responds to activity from the environment and transmits that information to the brain. The senses of sight and hearing, by their very nature, provide a favorable environment for affecting brainwaves. By presenting pulsed audio and visual stimulation to the brain, after a short period of time, the brain begins to resonate or entrain at the same frequency as the stimulus. This effect is commonly referred to as brainwave entrainment (BWE).
Mind Alive, Inc. has been designing, developing, researching and manufacturing audio-visual entrainment (AVE) devices since 1984. Mind Alive's DAVID device sends flashes of lights using a pair of eyesets, and pulses tones through a pair of headphones to gently guide the brain into altered states of consciousness.
We can slow down the brainwaves for meditation, pain relief, dream states, hypnosis, deep relaxation, sleep, creativity, and the relief of stress and anxiety. The DAVID can also be used to speed up brainwaves, making the DAVID an ideal tool to treat slow brainwave disorders such as Attention Deficit Disorder, closed-head brain injury, fibromyalgia, PMS, chronic fatigue and insomnia. Additional applications of the David include improved mental and physical performance.
Program Activity
The client follows preprogrammed instructions in the use of the DAVID device. Each program is intended to induce a specific brainwave state. To use the DAVID device, the client simply keys in the number of the program desired, puts on the eyeset [goggles] and the earphones, then listens to the audio tones and watches the color display. The user can also overlay music of his or her choosing if desired.
Many of us, children and adults alike, are not utilizing our auditory system to its fullest potential. In fact, many people experience "listening disabilities" and do not realize it. These weaknesses or problems in processing sound can adversely affect us in many ways including: communication skills, learning abilities, attention and behavior, energy levels, coordination, relaxation, brain function, and sensory integration. Improving or enhancing our ability to process sound can produce specific benefits. People of all ages can be trained to process sound more effectively to overcome weaknesses or to further develop listening-related abilities.
The Listening Program is specially treated classical music and nature sounds that can actually improve one’s ability to process a balanced, full range of sound frequencies. This has far-reaching benefits. Often, subtle improvements in auditory processing enable children and adults to improve their attention span and concentration. Perhaps this is why some children begin to move ahead much more easily in reading, spelling, and handwriting. Greater steadiness and focus also helps to build better motor control and speech, improved self-esteem and motivation. For some children and adults the neurological input provided by The Listening Program is the jump-start they need to make a major change and come alive in many dynamic ways.
The Listening Program CDs or the iListen Program literally exercise and tone tiny muscles in the ear and help build stronger multi-sensory pathways in the brain.
The Listening Program may help with: attention problems, learning problems, auditory processing difficulties, difficulty retaining information, sound sensitivities, energy level and confidence, speech & motor control, auditory perception & sensitivity, musical & vocal expression, self-esteem, mood & motivation, social interaction, understanding spoken language, reading, spelling & handwriting, physical balance and coordination.
Program Activity
The program entails 1 to 2 fifteen-minute listening sessions a day, five days per week. The average program length is twenty weeks. Many people find it advantageous to repeat the program once or several times to keep their auditory system in peak condition. Listening is done through a pair of high-quality headphones.
This program is designed for use in the home, school, clinic and in business settings. It can be used as a stand-alone sound stimulation program or as an adjunct to other modalities.
The Green Wave Therapy is a technique that combines green laser light, micro current energy, and some of the principles of EMDR [Eye Movement Desensitization and Repatterning], and EFT [The Emotional Freedom Acupressure Technique]. This combined therapy creates a rapid response to relieving and releasing disturbing and traumatic feelings and internal images.
How the Technique is Administered
Here is a brief description of the technique:
The client is asked to bring to mind the longstanding feeling or event and give it a number to indicate level of distress from one to ten, ten being the most disturbed they could be. They rest in a chair or on a massage table, holding an IPOD-sized micro current device [invented by Dr. Jae Shim] to the region between the eyebrows. The client holds EMDR sensors in their hands that have a rhythmic pulse and wears a headset that delivers tones in the same rhythm as the hand sensors both of which deliver the sound and pulse from the left to the right side of the body in unison. The practitioner stands back about 4-5 feet and treats the entire body with green laser light, circling the body with the laser for about 1-2 minutes. With every 1-2 minute pass, the clinician checks the level of distress the client is experiencing while thinking about the initial issue. Once the client reaches a level 1 or 2, the therapy for that particular issue has reached a successful conclusion.
With every success with this new technique, I found myself asking, “What’s going on here? How in the world does this work?” I began to explore the work of some brilliant scholars who explore light and frequency in a quantifiable way.
Biological cells give off a cellular glow known as “biophoton emission” with spectral frequencies in the UV and visible spectrum range. This theory was discovered in 1922 by Russian embryologist Alexander G. Gurwitsch and later confirmed through systemic Western research by Fritz Albert Popp in 1974.
This biophoton light emanating from the body creates a coherent biophoton field which envelops the whole body. This field is able to transmit signals with the speed of light to any place in the organism and activate or inhibit biochemical processes to organize and alter the matter of our bodies. [Marco Bishof, Journal of Optometric Phototherapy, March 2005]
In keeping with the work of Roger Callahan and his Thought Field Therapy approach, disturbances in thoughts and feelings that interrupt a feeling of inner balance and stability cause disturbances and lack of coherence in the biophoton field.To address these disturbances, EFT, a derivative of Thought Field Therapy, is utilized intermittently along with the laser treatment, micro current stimulation and EMDR.
Because of the high degree of order of the emissions of light from the body [biophotons], they are considered a kind of biological laser light. Quite unlike normally observed light with its fluctuations, this biological laser has a stable intensity. Because of the stable field strength, laser light - such as the green laser light used in the treatment, can [as discussed above] “superimpose, generate and keep order as well as transmit information into the organism. “[Marco Bishof, Journal of Optometric Phototherapy, March 2005]
The latest biophoton research seems to suggest that not only is the body a composite of molecules, but also an electromagnetic field structure that both emits and absorbs light. Our electromagnetic body is able to react sensitively to the smallest stimuli, or can become neutral or transparent and receptive to quite strong stimuli.
So, according to these theories and preliminary findings, we have a field that surrounds our body – an electromagnetic field that carries emotional and thought content, as well as other information that can be transmitted by light. If we can shine a laser light over that field, causing the coherent laser light from the pen to neutralize or “restore order” to the biological laser field, then the disturbing thoughts can be neutralized. Once this order is restored, the emotional charge becomes nullified, slipping into the realm of orderly feelings in the memory data bank. These thoughts and feelings assume a place in the matrix that is more like a piece of data in a remote file on a computer, rather than a very obvious and distressing pop-up. Perhaps the intensity of the mechanized green laser light imposes order on the laser-like light emanating from the biological cells.
By applying the IPOD sized micro current device to the space between the eyes, I theorize that its contribution to the process is to confuse the brain’s synaptic responses to the client’s negative thoughts and feelings, and in combination with the other tools, opens the way to refiling these newly neutralized thought patterns. In addition, scientists have found that there is a rhythm to these emissions of light from the body that seems to correlate and depend on the various biological rhythms of the body. This information triggered the addition of another part of the therapy. As I continued to use the micro current stimulator, I decided to add another dimension to the therapy process to “ground” the changes in the physical body – the Neurotek Tapper equipment that is available to be used adjunctively with the EMDR approach. This equipment consists of handheld vibrating disks along with a headset that “beeps” a tone with the same rhythm from the left side of the body to the right. The rhythm “rocks” the auditory and sensory systems into relaxed entrainment that can assist in balancing and lulling the autonomic nervous system into a relaxed response. So, while having the client recall the event with all the attending thoughts, feelings, visual and auditory memories, they are hearing and feeling a relaxing rhythm, and their field is being neutralized with a coherent light beam and micro current activity giving order to their disturbed field.
I have named this combined therapy approach The Green Wave Therapy.